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Past Speakers



Nantucket’s Director of Planning Andrew Vorce discussed the Town’s Master Plan, now in its eleventh year. Some area associations have developed their own specific plans, which the NTA is undertaking.


Julia Lindner, Executive Director of ACK-NOW, gave an overview of the organization and its mission, which is to define problems of substance for Nantucket and find solutions to them. Currently, these include growth, the housing crisis, support for the year-round community, and understanding the impact of short-term rentals.


Hillary Hedges Rayport, chair of the Nantucket Historical Commission, reported on its current activities in support of preserving the history of Nantucket’s built environment.



Fire Chief Steve Murphy reported on the status of the new fire station. The Fire Department received a Community Health Initiative grant from Nantucket Cottage Hospital to train and certify seven firefighters as paramedics licensed to administer life-saving medications, reduce pain and begin diagnosis in transit to decrease emergency response time.

Graeme Durovich, DPW Recycling/Solid Waste Coordinator, introduced the DPW’s new system of sorting and disposing of household trash into compostable, recyclable, and non-recyclable/non-compostable wastes.


Town Manager Libby Gibson reviewed the 87 articles on the April 2019 Town Meeting warrant. She said the Town is considering E-voting at future Town Meetings.


Town Transportation Planner Mike Burns discussed plans for additional bike paths, as well as Nantucket’s Long-term Transportation Plan. 


Natural Resources Director Jeff Carlson discussed coastal resiliency and said the Town is taking a multi-pronged approach to planning. Nantucket’s Hazard Mitigation Plan (including an updated Harbor Plan) was approved by FEMA, which makes the Town eligible for FEMA grants.


Sewer Department Director David Gray said the Sewer, Water and Public Works departments are working more closely to coordinate projects. The Sewer department is in year two of its Capacity, Maintenance, Operation and Management Program (CMOM), which creates video of all Town sewers to inspect and repair weak points.


Wannacomet Water Company Director Mark Willett said the company has completed a thorough geophysical investigation and modeling of the Island’s water resources. He also discussed contamination and its mitigation, water usage rates, and future projects.


Lauren Sinatra, Energy Coordinator, gave a general update on Nantucket energy programs, including the MassSave program that assists home owners with individual recommendations for energy efficiency.




Lauren Sinatra, Nantucket Energy Coordinator, reviewed energy efficiency initiatives, including solar, and the Massachusetts Heat Smart program, which helps individual homeowners save money by reducing energy usage.


Margaretta Andrews, Executive Director, summarized the growth and accomplishments of the Community Foundation for Nantucket, which awarded more than $2.5 million in grants in 2017 to Nantucket non-profit organizations.



Rob Ranney, Nantucket Representative and Vice Chairman of the Steamship Authority Board, and Nat Lowell, Nantucket Representative and Vice Chairman of the Port Council


Tom Rafter, Airport Manager


Artell Crowley, Assistant Health Director, and Jeff Carlson, Natural Resources Coordinator for the Town of Nantucket.


Patty Roggeveen, Director of Community Relations, Richmond Great Point Development, detailed the planned subdivision located off Old South Road of 225 apartments and 94 house lots, including some affordable units.


Fire Chief Paul Rhude presented the current plan for a new fire station to be located adjacent to the Police Station on Fairgrounds Road.


Dave Fredericks on initial plans for the Harbor Square waterfront development project.




Town Manager Libby Gibson and Transportation Planner Mike Burns.


Nantucket Chief of Police William Pittman and Amy Baxter, Business License Inspector for the Town of Nantucket.


Transportation Planner Mike Burns summarized traffic and parking issues and how they have been addressed.


Town Manager Libby Gibson presented the warrant for the Special Town Meeting held October 17, 2016.


Melissa Murphy, Director of Culture and Tourism, summarized the newly reorganized and re-focused department, including the office at 25 Federal Street and information booths at Straight Wharf and the airport.


Bill Ferrall, Executive Director of the Nantucket Arts Council, gave an overview of the recently designated Nantucket Cultural District.


Dr. Margot Hartmann, President and CEO of Nantucket Cottage Hospital, gave us details of the proposed new hospital. 


Transportation Planner Mike Burns provided an overview of island bike paths and the proposed in-town bike path scheduled to begin in spring 2015.


NTA Secretary Lee Saperstein, who is on the Roads-and-Rights-of-Way Committee, discussed their inventory of sidewalks, walking and biking paths, the Nantucket Railroad and road takings, and the committee’s plan to address issues.


Margaretta Andrews, Executive Director of the Community Foundation For Nantucket, discussed its coordination of island non-profit endeavors.


Dave Fronzuto, Emergency Management Coordinator for Nantucket, detailed the island’s storm readiness, as well as the reconstruction of the Jetties to be undertaken by the Army Corps of Engineers.


Lauren Sinatra, Energy Project and Outreach Coordinator, summarized energy efficiency and renewable energy programs. 


Fire Chief Mark McDougall outlined current issues and the need for a new fire station. 


Jeff Carlson, Natural Resources Coordinator, and Tara Riley, the town’s shellfish biologist, reported on Nantucket harbor’s water quality and efforts to improve the scallop population.


Allan Bell, founder of the Downtown Business Association, introduced this new organization whose goal is to keep downtown vital.


Ken Beaugrand, Chair of the Community Preservation Committee, recapped efforts to preserve the island’s land and buildings and provide affordable housing.

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